Privacy Policy

  1. General

    1.1. This website ("Website") and its domain name(s) are the property of Andens Cykel Fix, Company Registration No. 38341839 ("Owner"), that organizers all trading and renting under the name and concept "Active Rental". In the following all references to Active Rental as well as "us", "we" and "ours" will refer to the Owner.
    1.2. This Privacy Policy will describe how we collect and use your personal information.
    1.3. The Privacy Policy will apply to personal information that you provide or that we collect through the Website.
    1.4. Active Rental is responsible for your personal information. If you need to contact Active Rental, you will find our contact details in §7.

  2. The personal information we collect, for what purpose and by which law it is governed

    2.1. When you trade or communicate with us on the Website, we will collection the information that you yourself provide. For example name, address, e-mail, phone number, payment details, order history, delivery options and the IP address from which the order(s) has been made.
    2.2. The purpose is to enable us to deliver the product you have ordered and fulfill our agreement with you. Information about your order(s) is also required by law and requirements relating to accounting and auditing. Your IP address is collected to meet requirements related to the prevention of fraud.
    2.3. Our collection and use of the personal information is governed by the EU General Data Protection Regulation article 6, item 1, litra b, c and f.

  3. Recipients of the personal information

    3.1. The information can be transferred to our external partners that will use the information on our behalf. We use external partners for technical operations and improvements of the Website etc. For example will your information be transferred to the payment service Stripe to complete your payment. These partners are prohibited from using the information for any other purpose than to fulfill their agreement with us, and they are obligated to maintain confidentiality.
    3.2. Stripe, Inc. is established in USA. The necessary guarantees that cover the transfer of information to USA is secured by certification under EU-U.S. Privacy Shield as governed by the EU General Data Protection Regulation article 45.

  4. Your rights

    4.1. For the purpose of ensuring transparency regarding the use of your personal information, we will inform you of your rights.
    4.2. You are at any time entitled to request knowledge about what personal information we have about you, for what purpose we keep this information, what categories of personal information there is and who the recipients might be, and from where the personal information has been collected.
    4.3. Du har ret til at få udleveret en kopi af de personoplysninger, som vi behandler om dig. Hvis du ønsker en kopi af dine personoplysninger, skal du sende en skriftlig anmodning til . Du vil blive bedt om at dokumentere, at du er den du giver dig ud for at være.
    4.4. You are entitled to have incorrect information about you corrected by us. If you become aware of incorrect information that we have registered about you, we encourage you to contact us so that the information can be corrected.
    4.5. In some cases you may be entitled to have all or some of your personal information deleted by us, by recalling your consent, and as long as we have no other obligation to keep your personal information. In case we are required to keep your information by law, we shall not be obligated to delete your information.
    4.6. In some cases you may be entitled to have the use of your personal information limited to storage (inactive data on file as opposed to active use).
    4.7. In some cases you may be entitled to get the personal information, that you have provided, delivered to you in a structured, machine-readable standard format, and you may transfer your information in this format to another party.
    4.8. Du har til enhver tid ret til at tilbagekalde et samtykke, du har givet os til en given behandling af personoplysninger. Hvis du ønsker at tilbagekalde dit samtykke, bedes du kontakte os på .
    4.9. Du har til enhver tid ret til at indgive en klage til Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5, 1300 København K over vores behandling af dine personoplysninger. Klage kan blandt andet indgives på mail eller telefon +45 33 19 32 00.

  5. Deletion of personal information

    5.1. Information collected in relation to orders you have completed on the Website as mentioned in §2 will be subject to deletion after 5 years. The information may however be stored for longer in case we have a legitimate reason, for example to make of defend a legal case, or if any law requires us to continue storing the information. Accounting material will be stored for 5 years as required by law.

  6. Security

    6.1. We have established relevant technical and organisational security meassurements to protect personal information against intentional or illegal destruction, loss, alteration, deterioration, misuse and abuse or falling into the wrong hands.
    6.2. Technical security meassurements include SSL-certificates to ensure that all exchange of information between you and us and our external partners are encrypted.
    6.3. Organisational security meassurements include internal rules and guidelines to ensure that only personel with a relevant reason to access your information shall be able to do so.

  7. Contact Details

    7.1. Active Rental is responsible for the personal information collected on the Website.
    7.2. If you have questions or comments to the Privacy Policy or you wish to make use of any of your rights as described in §4, you can contact us:

    Active Rental
    Christian 8s Vej 2D
    8600 Silkeborg
    Phone: +45 23 20 43 03 (Andens Cykel Fix)

  8. Amendments to the Privacy Policy

    8.1. If the Danish law on personal information ("Persondataloven") or international laws, including, but not limited to, the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") change, we will update this Privacy Policy in accordance with the changes.

  9. Version

    9.1. This is version 1.1 of Active Rental's Privacy Policy dated on 29. marts 2019.